Thursday, July 16, 2015

Trip to Everland, South Korea

My friend and I went to Everland Resort on 28th April 2015.

 It was a bright sunny Tuesday that most of us had no classes (actually two of them skipped classes..hehe

Before departing, we had breakfast at Isaac Toast. I ordered Ham &Cheese Toast which was one of my favourites~ 

Ham&Cheese Isaac Toast 

Look, this girl kept on staring at my toast (๑• . •๑)

The weather was really good that day, the sun was gloriously shining..("gloriously" because it was in South Korea, if in Malaysia, it would be "burning hot")

We got on a bus that directly sent us to the Everland station.

 It took an hour to get there so all of us took a nap. 

After that, we transferred to the Everland free shuttle bus that sent us to the entrance of Everland.

We thought there wouldn't be many people on an usual Tuesday, but we were wrong. 

There were many groups of school children on a field trip.

Despite many people in there, it didn't affect our mood. ヽ( ^∀^)ノ YAY 

Here is the map of Everland during the Tulip Festival.

 If you miss the Tulip Festival, don't worry, there are other festivals you can join, like Rose festival (May to June), Summer Splash (June to September), Happy Halloween (Sept to Oct), and Winter Wonderland (November to March).

Basically, there are 5 zones, which are American Adventure, Magic Land, Europeon Adventure, Zoo Topia and Roller Coasters. 

Luckily, we didn't spend too much time (and money) on purchasing ticket! 

Do not throw away your ticket because you will need it for certain rides.

There were so many colourful tulips along the walkway. 

The festival started from early March to late April, so you can see that many tulips has bloomed. 

Flowers never lose their charm~ 

Significant big tree behind us

( ◕‿‿◕ )

Our first stop: Private ship

A little nervous because it was my first time. 

After taking it, I decided to take only kid rides!! It was so scary! 

The instructor explained the safety rules to us.

Attractive souvenirs!!

TIPS: Don't purchase souvenirs at the stores or stalls near entrance because they cost a little bit higher than the other stores.

 You will see other souvenir stores when you go further in. 

You could get animal ears hairbands or other accessories in cheaper price.

Many good spots to take photos~ I really wanted to take Ferris Wheel but it was only for decoration (o´罒`o)

It was too hot, so we bought grape and orange smoothies to clear our throat~

Well, the beverages in amusement park were a little expensive. Even mineral water costs like 900 Korean won, so I suggest to bring your own water 

We did bring our own water, but it wasn't enough for whole day!

Ice cool and Ice-cream dots

Grape Smoothie and ice cream

Love it! 

I will never get bored with merry-go-round.

For me, it is the symbol of amusement park.

After that, we headed over to the Cupid Garden.

Hundreds of LED lit roses were scattered around the garden.

     It looked much prettier at night as if you were in a fairy land. 

Also, The Wishing Pond for LOVE, WISDOM, HEALTH and WEALTH

Yeah~~I hit the target~

They lost too much money without hitting the target, so they could only cheat.. Hahaha, PATTERN

"I'm Cinderella in the Pumpkin Carriage"

"Hey hey hey, what's with that face while I was proposing to you!?"

One of my favorite spots in Everland: Romanian waterfall.

It was so cooling and comfortable~ 

오모오모, the giant wooden roller coaster: T-express! 

The steepest ride in the world!! We knew it was the most famous ride in the park, but... Taking photo with it was the only thing we could do! 

"Ride on it?"
      "Never!⊙▃⊙..we are all chicken"

We could even hear people screaming up there Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ

Two sodas to cool down our body while we were waiting for the parade  

Let us take a selfie

                                                                      The parade at 2pm. 

The moonlight parade was pretty than the parade in the day

We starved for the whole morning so it was time for lunch!!

There were desserts and fruits that one can take and pay at the counter. ( Looked delicious but costly)

Sarmin's was Cutlet rice 

Mine was tomato spaghetti.

The foods were kind of expensive, so if you are on a budget, I suggest you to pack some light foods like sandwiches, cookies or breads from outside.

                                                    We took a rest on bench after lunch.

There was LINE store in the park too! 

Many cute and vintage decorations along the street

We took skycruise to Zootopia because it was too far to walk ( actually we walked too much in the beginning+ we couldn't find skycruise entrance(ノ`⊿´)ノ )

Next stop: Everland safari Lost Valley 

Queuing for the amphibious bus for wildlife adventure

Ahhh, the instructor used leaves to attract giraffe here!!!

We had a close look at the giraffe!! It was so tall and big! ( its saliva kept dropping ,so scared the tourists away from their seats~ヽ(`д´)ノ

There were many other animals like white tigers, lions, elephants, leopards, rhino,ostriches, flamingos, and so on. ( Running man once came here for mission!)

Could you see the polar bear behind? It was my first time seeing polar bear! I was amazed at the polar bear~! But its eyes told us that he was lonely..( feel bad for this polar)

Alpines Village was basically a place to grab a meal~ There were many restaurants and food stalls selling foods and snacks. 

You must be familiar with this! The pong- pong car~ I didn't know it was so fun :3 and it was the only game that Sarmin and I would go for twice! 

It was the first time I felt like I was a professional and furious!!.. hehehe 

The next ride was Peter pan ride which was a kid ride! But who cares~ Seriously, after private ship, we could only take kid ride .. 

Before Peter pan ride started. 

Actually it was impossible for us to go all the attractions and take all the rides in this world fourth largest amusement park.

                                                Taking sweet sweet photo with Sarmin. 

Sarmin( left): Only you~~
Jessica(right): Sorry, taken.
Sarmin( left): ...                

  Time to leave!

Thank you, Everland~!

We had a fantastic day in the park. I will definitely come back again, wait for me ya~

Everland Official Website:

How to get there?


  1. Thank you for good information about Korea. I think Korea is really good country to study abroad and make lot of beautiful.memory ~~♡♡ haha And you are part of my beautiful.memory

    1. Haha~You are welcome~ <3 Korea is really a beautiful country anyway! I wish to go there again to experience other things! You are part of my beautiful memory too~ sweet buddy~ haha
